When I look at these words I can see a same shadow of some words like “create “and “new” in the root of them. When you search for the real meaning of these words you will find out that:
1. state or quality of being novel, new, or unique; newness: the novelty of a new job.
2.a novel occurrence, experience, or proceeding: His sarcastic witticisms had ceased being an entertaining novelty.
Look at these novelty teapots. They are really interesting J
From Human Motivation, 3rd ed., by Robert E. Franken:
Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others. (page 396)
Three reasons why people are motivated to be creative:
need for novel, varied, and complex stimulation
need to communicate ideas and values
need to solve problems (page 396)
In order to be creative, you need to be able to view things in new ways or from a different perspective. Among other things, you need to be able to generate new possibilities or new alternatives.
Do you think that the designer of this bench is creative?
is a change in the thought process for doing something, or the useful application of new inventions or discoveries. It may refer to an incremental emergent or radical and revolutionary changes in thinking, products, processes, or organizations. Following Schumpeter (1934), contributors to the scholarly literature on innovation typically distinguish between invention, an idea made manifest, and innovation, ideas applied successfully in practice. In many fields, such as the arts, economics and government policy, something new must be substantially different to be innovative (from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Innovation)
New scientific or technical idea, and the means of its embodiment or accomplishment. To be patentable, an invention must be novel, have utility, and be non-obvious. To be called an invention, an idea only needs to be proven as workable. But to be called an innovation, it must also be replicable at an economical cost, and must satisfy a specific need. That's why only a few inventions lead to innovations because not all of them are economically feasible.
Based on all the above definitions , I think being a creative, innovative inventor can be fantastic!